Francis Liu

Food Design II

近年來,食品安全問題頻繁發生,農藥濫用、基因改造、重金屬污染充斥在日常飲食中。 以食品安全問題為主題,將肉類和蔬菜的主題融入報紙媒體,將餐具圖形融入創作中,並以新興食品設計理念賦予拼貼技術新形象。
Food safety issues have occurred frequently in recent years, pesticide abuse, genetic modification, and heavy metal pollution have flooded the diet. This project uses food safety issues as the theme, incorporates the themes of meat and vegetables into newspaper media, and tableware graphics in the creation, and uses the concept of emerging food design to give new images of collage techniques.
Pesticide abuse, genetic modification, and heavy metal pollution have flooded the diet, and food safety problems have emerged one after another.
This research uses food safety issues as the theme, incorporates the themes of meat and vegetables into newspaper media, and tableware graphics in the creation, and uses the concept of emerging food design to give new images of collage techniques.

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